How we operate
Innovate by taking care of the Environment
In our factory, we combine traditional techniques with innovative systems of distillation which minimize the environmental impact. Our excellent results have been demonstrated throughout the years. Our production of gum rosin and turpentine, which has been carried on for over 100 years, is treasured by our multiple customers.
At ACM Resinas we strongly believe in a bright future for this industry, and we work every day with this objective in mind. We operate to promote both the improvement of our workers’ labour conditions and the development of environmentally-friendly practices. We are highly concerned about the long-term sustainability of our forests and about the process of modernization of the rural areas, where the resine industry can considerably contribute to the growth of other economic activities.
The combination of traditional techniques and innovative processes allows us to obtain gum rosins with a great homogeneity which is reflected in their main chemical parameters. At the same time, it allows us to produce a turpentine of high purity, with excellent results in their fractions of resin acids (alfa-pinenes y beta-pinenes).
Gum Rosin and Gum Turpentine Oil for the international industry
Both our gum rosin and gum turpentine oil rigorously fulfill the established quality standards. They both also meets the needs of our customers, as they are used as a raw material to develop of a wide range of products within a large number of industries, such as the chemical industry (glues, printing inks, paints), the food industry, the cosmetics, the fragrances and pharmaceutical industries. They are also used to produce esterified colophone resins, maleic colophone resins, fragrances, as well as long list of products that are used very frequently in our daily life.